Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Comparing Entrecard credits and tokens value

You can buy Entrecard credits here: http://entrecard.com/paypal/62547/buy_credits
1000 Entrecard Credits - USD$3.20

You can buy tokens here: https://yommy.com/account/buy_tokens
100 Tokens - $6.00

 => 1 Token ~= 18.75 Entrecard Credits

You can sell or buy Entrecard credits from other users using Atokens.com currency: read here


You can join my contest and win total 7,000 Entrecard Credit: here

Note: If anyone is interested, I will give 24,000 Entrecard credits for 400 aTokens.(1 token = 60 Entrecard credits)


  1. thanks for this contest.I have no account with yommy or atokens

  2. I signed up for tokens, but I really haven't used them yet - do you like them?
